‘Where Are We With Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) & Dog Bite Prevention?’
Tues 17th April 2018, Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House, 5-7pm.
Peter Egan
Special guest speaker:
Victoria Stilwell (Channel 4's It's Me Or The Dog, Positively.com)
Expert panel:
Shakira Free Miles (The Saveabulls)
Paula Sparks (UK Centre for Animal Law: A-law)
James Parry (Parry and Welch Solicitors)
Kendal Shepherd (Vet & Canine Behaviourist)
The topic of BSL never fails to appear divisive within many animal welfare organisations, veterinary professionals, doctors, lawyers, Police, Government, and local authorities. This meeting will give MPs and attendees a chance to learn more about BSL, the effectiveness of its enforcement, and reality of its impact on dog bite prevention.
Please email info@apdawg.co.uk to register for this event.